Friday, August 2, 2013

God's will is this?

God's will is this?

Job, why did you loose almost everything, was God angry with you, did you utterly mismanage your stuff, you must have done something wrong or was it just God's will

Joseph, in prison, you must have been a bad misguided individual, your sins have found you out, forgotten, and cast aside, is that the best you could have done in life, or are you exactly where God wants you.

David you were anointed the next King, now your running for your life living in caves. You really messed that all up, look at you and look at the group following you. Failure or perfectly kept in Gods hands?

Daniel, those lions are going to be hungry, all your sacrifice has come to this, are you a joke, or is the joke on the enemy.

Moses you were sparred from death and taken out of the water for what, to tend sheep in the backside of the desert, boy your life could have been so much more, or is there more…

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