Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Random thoughts

Looking for a way to share my thoughts, burden and desires for the Kingdom. Looking to add territory to the ministry God has given me. It's His ministry, that I have been entrusted with. Fear must not be greater than my desire to be a blessing to the Kingdom of God. What limit would God place on His ministry for you? Expanding your influence as directed by the Holy Ghost. The little nudge I have felt in the Holy Ghost to step out, push my fears aside and do something different. Why not start a blog, could it reach and touch someone's heart. Could someone take courage to take a step of faith, on my tepid display of faith. I believe that there are those at CLA and Syracuse who have only begun to walk into the calling the Lord Jesus has for them. I can't promise that any of these posts will stay with any particular theme, but they will be random thoughts, that I hope would encourage someone. PV.

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