Monday, November 17, 2008


How precious a soul is to God. Each one carries such great value, we truly don't understand. The Lord Jesus is looking, waiting for another soul to be captivated by His love. If you have ever tasted of the goodness of the Lord, there is nothing like it in the World. Even the worst days living for God are still better than the best days without Him. I'm learning to walk with Him, looking for the hungry souls of Syracuse who are thirsty for more than this life can offer. Check out for more details regarding service times, come hear the gospel preached, allow the Word of God to make you free.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


That's all we really have to control...Now. What can I do now, what can I become now. I can love my wife and family now, I can show compassion now, I can give now, I can forgive now, I can start now. Jesus Christ is truly interested in our now. What are we doing now to effect tomorrow. It probably won't be something earth shattering, or a drastic move that you could necessarily chart. However it may be a gentle prayer, finding a secret place to pray, a smile to a neighbor, a kind word to a friend. When you begin to add up all the now decisions you'll find you've arrived in a truly different tomorrow. A place called NOW... Live there.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Random thoughts: Faithful

Writer block, or laziness? Faithful in writing is difficult with so many other life's demands. You need to commit to it, if it's important. There's no plan B when it comes to the things of God. Faithfulness is not an option, its a must. Its what drives you, He's always on my mind. It's something you can't get away from. Since receiving the Holy Ghost back in 1991, it's a fire burning, that i can't deny. It's as real as anything you can touch. He's faithful to me and my family. A fool would try to make it without Him, no way, can't be done. Stay faithful, in good and bad, rich or poor, sickness and health. Writer's block.....Yes, God Block..... Can't, never, God forbid.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Random thoughts

Looking for a way to share my thoughts, burden and desires for the Kingdom. Looking to add territory to the ministry God has given me. It's His ministry, that I have been entrusted with. Fear must not be greater than my desire to be a blessing to the Kingdom of God. What limit would God place on His ministry for you? Expanding your influence as directed by the Holy Ghost. The little nudge I have felt in the Holy Ghost to step out, push my fears aside and do something different. Why not start a blog, could it reach and touch someone's heart. Could someone take courage to take a step of faith, on my tepid display of faith. I believe that there are those at CLA and Syracuse who have only begun to walk into the calling the Lord Jesus has for them. I can't promise that any of these posts will stay with any particular theme, but they will be random thoughts, that I hope would encourage someone. PV.