Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Keeping our Identity

When privilege becomes a burden, And lifestyle become routine. Then we are in trouble. We must fight to keep a first generation experience throughout every apostolic generation. Great men and women have fought and sacrificed to keep this apostolic identity, we must not loose it.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012


We are the most connected generation, right? Facebook, twitter, email, texting, social media abounds, yet are we connected. With a generation that will need neck surgery by age 40, due to the constant bend downward, it seems we are becoming more disconnected. Dinner tables filled with cell phones, family rooms where everyone is occupied with their device than each other. I'm concerned, because it affects all of us. Are we connected, or disconnected to God, each other and the needs of society? Oh the joy of simple face to face conversation. Are we moving forward, or have we taken so many steps back?

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What to do

What to do when you don't know what to do. I've felt that way so many times over this Christian walk. So what do I do... Keep doing what I know to do!! Pray, seek, forgive, love, press, pray, walk, read, ask, love, share, plead, pray...

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