Monday, December 5, 2011

Holy Ghost is still important

Peter told them in Acts 2:39 the promise is for you and your children and all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.  The Holy Ghost is still important today.  Jesus still pours out of His Spirit in 2011.  The greatest and one of the most significant moments in my life, was the day I received my own personal Pentecost.  It was the turning point in my life.  I was headed down a long, lonely dead-end road, filled with despair, guilt and shame, but that night all that changed.  I now had the very spirit of the living God, dwelling inside of me.  Jesus did not leave me without comfort, but He came to me and filled me miraculously.  Its still important today to me, and to this world.  Rom 14:17 says the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.  You receive the power to be a witness to the world of the great trans formative power of God's Holy Spirit.  You can have it today, its still free, and still very Important.  Jn 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Failure or Favored

Looking at the life of Moses, you find Exodus chap 2 covers 80 yrs of his life. The remaining chapters cover the last 40yrs. If your not careful, you might miss the 40 yrs in the desert that are so important. These 40 years of obscurity, trials, questions, doubts, fears, maybes, I don't knows were a real part of Moses life. The first forty were filled with favor, blessing, opportunities, fame, fortune then its gone. If you didn't know the whole story and only knew it as you read it, it would appear that the ending wouldn't be very good. However, God doesn't make mistakes, everything He does is for a purpose, and in order to lead a million plus people out of the hands of the most powerful men on earth, it was going to take 40 yrs of training how to trust God in order to do it. Don't discount the trial or circumstances you find yourself in, God has a purpose and a plan for your life.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Digging deeper

To dig a well, or digging for treasures, sometimes you might find unexpected finds. You might find old debris that has been there for years. It blocks the path to the water or treasure. I'm digging or rather wanting a deeper walk with the Lord, and along the way have found old debris on the way down. It stands in the way of the well of water that's there. Do I walk away disappointed, or do I get aggressive and remove it from my path. There are things that have been buried in my heart due to years of sin, I must face it, remove it and keep digging. The grace of God is sufficient, Jesus will help you through. If it had not been for the Lord, where would I be....LOST!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


In Acts chap 3, Peter and John said silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, I give unto you. Money, stuff and possessions all have there place, but what Jesus wants for us goes so far beyond all of that. I need deep spiritual healing for my soul. The Holy Spirit that was poured into my soul some 20 years ago is still working inside of me. As a skilled surgeon will perform delicate surgery to remove the infected part of my body, Jesus the master physician cuts through my heart to heal and deliver me from wounds, hurts, pride, failures, and all those areas of my life that would try to destroy. He's my healer!

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Friday, March 4, 2011

The upgrade

Being an Apple fan I find myself frustrated at how they do business. It's not that they are poor business minded people, but rather they excell. You buy the latest and greatest product, but wait, under a years time it has become the outdated version. They are always on upgrade mode! What a challenge to me as a child of God, am I living off of last years blessings or is there something new in the Lord. Am I living off of last weeks prayer, or am I making new ones today. We need to upgrade, refine ourselves, making constant adjustments to make sure I'm not running on the old outdated victory. There's nothing wrong with remembering what Jesus did for us, I just can live there. I believe Jesus has a fresh Word and victory for us today. He is in the upgrade business, always looking to build our faith, make our walk better, Jesus is always looking to upgrade me from old man to new.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A well

How can Monday come along and feeling of discouragement, doubts, failures plague my soul then by Wednesday a sense of hope sweeps over me? Well that has happened to me this week. My mind started playing tricks on Sunday evening, and by Monday I was in full blown depression, wondering why Jesus would want to love me, I sure didn't. It's a dark place, tears filled my day yet, I knew down deep that Jesus was working on me. Despair in great measure filled my thoughts. I could only do what I knew to do, that was call upon Jesus. A simple medley about the Blood, would cross my lips, oh precious is the blood,. So today I found encouragement from His word, it's amazing how powerful it is. Yet two days earlier, life was all a blur. Jesus said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water. So thankful for the well of the Holy Ghost that can water a parched thirsty soul and bring life again.

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