Thursday, September 23, 2010


Where are you putting your trust? Your talents, your abilities, good looks, bank account, education, etc? With God all things are possible. God will take weak things and make it strong. The wisdom of this world is no match for the might Jesus. Don't discount God in your equation, believe that He can, and the possibilities are endless

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Alarm clock

With school back in session, the daily routine is in full swing. I'm the one, who wakes everyone up and the lunch maker. I'm an early riser, so it's my job. Waking the youngest is much easier than waking up the oldest. My middle child is not so easy either. As a Pastor, God has put upon me the job of helping to wake up the church. Are the new babes easier to awake then the older saints? Not sure, but it's surly time to awaken out of sleep. Jesus is coming soon!! The alarm clock is ringing and getting louder. Don't push the snooze whatever you do, the bus to glory is coming...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Little by Little

Dt 7:22 And the LORD thy God will put out those nations before thee by little and little: thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee. We so want the Lord to do things for us sometimes quick and easy just like the popcorn in the microwave. Come on Jesus, let me just drive-thru and get a blessing from the windows of heaven. Not always so, rather most times never, but the slow process of little by little. Can you rest in the fact that He has the whole world in his hand, and that He knows exactly what He’s doing with you. Your task is obedience, submission and the watching of your attitude. He know how to complete the work He has begun in you, in His time, according to his will,not yours, little by little.