Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oil change

Today I finally get an oil change for our van, 5000+ over. Way over, not good for the engine for sure. The bible talks about the dead flies in the anointing oil which causes the ointment to stink. Living off yesterday's blessing, yesterday's prayer, yesterday's breakthrough, etc. It's kind of like an oil change, the apothecary had to make some new anointing oil, because of the dead things. I'm going to stoop down and get under the hood of my heart and let Jesus change my oil today. Dead things have a way of getting in my heart without me realizing it sometimes. Give it a try today!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sounding of the Alarm

There is a great urgency in my spirit, it appears to be growing on a daily basis. The deception of wickedness is growing everyday. The church is being lulled asleep by the spirit of this world. Church it's time to wake up, child of God it's time to wake up. The alarm is being sounded in the spirit. Apostasy is growing, Jesus is the only way out. Get ready, get ready

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You are, what you eat!

I’m not here to talk about proper physical dieting habits, or rebuke those double cheeseburger eaters. The double mocha java with extra whip cream drinkers can relax. However the saying is true, especially when it comes to our spirit. Statistics indicate that the average American will see over 9000 sexual situations on television per year, almost all of which will be illicit encounters. Will watching hundreds of hours of illicit sex, violent behavior, greed, crime and life without God effect us? Without a doubt it will and not in a good way. As Christians, do we fall into the same category or should we strive to be different? The Church is “the called out ones”, do we discipline ourselves to become separated from these dangerous “eating” habits or do we feel we can handle it? We must put off the “old things” and put on the “new things”, or we will, sooner or later, whether you want to believe it or not, become what we eat...