Friday, December 25, 2009

Fragile life

Having been forced by my wife and a good friend to visit the ER following a hard fall, I had to undergo blood work, echo gram and a CT scan. The nursing staff would not allow me to walk to the X-ray dept but rather by wheelchair. From the moment I sat in the chair, the experience was quite humbling. Thinking to myself, I could walk, rather than being relegated to this chair, amazing how walking now seemed such a privilege. For those few short moments sharing the feelings of countless others in hospital settings and physical limitations. It's amazing how many things sometimes we take for granted. It gave me an appreciation for the simple things of life, and an appreciation of how fragile life can be. The problem becomes that me and many others forget those feelings after time, and go back to sometimes the careless process of moving through this blessing of life that the Lord Jesus Christ has given us. Lets work at enjoying and appreciating the simple and special things of this life.